One-size-fits-all marketing and advertising never works. Here, learn elements to get granular in identifying the various personas who make up your target market for more effective content that will drive more traffic and help with more conversions. This episode is Part 2 of a 4-part miniseries in defining your brand, which you need to do to define the voice of your brand and therefore be congruent in your marketing. We began with episode 11, “Your Brand is NOT Your Logo and Font!” . I guarantee HUGE takeaways, no matter how experienced you are at content marketing on social!
Is your content marketing growing your following or just yelling at people what your offer is? Apply what I teach and begin getting better results, guaranteed. Much more to be covered in more episodes. Sign up for the newsletter and get my “6 Steps to Daily Success” PDF at http://bit.ly/ASM-Email-Sign-Up as well as notifications about free workshops, other learning opportunities and the wacky changes by major social platforms. Stay up to date!