After reading through the Q &A’s, let me know if you have any other questions by emailing me via https://advancedsocialmarketing.com/contact Time to “think about it” has not ever helped anyone make decisions. Information does, and I am your source of information to help you make the most informed decision.
I am a Content Marketing Expert providing marketing proven strategies guaranteed to get better results for marketing on all social platforms, email, Vlogging/podcasting, blogging and video marketing.

This transformative experience is for you if:
- You are serious about what you do and want to get even more serious about how to market it to get better results.
- You understand the value of content marketing on social media and want to learn how easy it is to achieve even better results.
- Thrive on learning from an expert with proven strategies that can absolutely work for you too (and your clients if you are an agency!).
- Understand that there are no silver bullets and that getting extraordinary results means putting in an extraordinary effort to put extraordinary knowledge to work.
- Are rational enough to know that an experience like this requires a serious investment of energy. You will be learning from my 50,000 hours of experience. Do you have over 50,000 hours to spare to figure out on your own what I already have?
- If you love to have fun, this is also for you. I will make it fun. I don’t do anything unless it’s fun and I promise you the learning experience of a lifetime full of “Ah-HA!” forehead-slapping, eye-opening moments the entire time.
Q: Does what you teach work for my industry?
A: Absolutely, guaranteed.
Everyone says what they teach will work. However, I guarantee it will work—there’s no way it won’t work. If you apply EXACTLY what I teach, it will work, or you get your money back. I have never had to give a refund. Has it not worked for people? Of course! It will not work for those who try to reinvent it, leave out elements I teach, back off because they are lazy or don’t follow my instruction or advice.
What I teach works for any industry. It’s about understanding the actionable strategies I teach in content marketing tied to the behaviors and psychographics of your target market, and how to adjust content to fit the parameters of the various platforms you use.
Q: Does it work for B2B?
A: Yes, it does.
I have yet to work with anyone in an industry for whom it has not worked for if they apply everything I teach. I work with Gold and platinum artists, as well as top educators and even up and coming aspiring artists in the music industry; I work with experts in many fields who are coaches or consultants in health and wellness, business management, people development, and many more areas; I work with automotive, motorsports, leaders in real estate sales training, dental tech training and more, even a leading carbon fiber composite manufacturer who is a provider for the largest refineries, railways, and mines in the USA, and also a solopreneur who makes the best made-to-order pound cakes you can ever imagine with an endless list of flavor options and ships them all over the US.
Yes, it can work for your industry.
Q: I don’t have any experience with content marketing, what’s the learning curve?
A: The learning curve is hard to quantify, but I can tell you this:
If I can do it, you can do it. I love saying, “If a drummer can do it, YOU can do it!” Unless you are a guitar player—just kidding! But seriously. I teach in a very learnable style. I make it fun and I make sure you understand everything. There is homework and tests, and I make sure everyone “passes” so they can apply and get results. And I guarantee you will. If you are open-minded, driven, coachable, and stop following everyone else over the cliff who’s doing it wrong, you will learn it and you will get results.
Q: I have many different types of clients, how can I make this work for my content marketing to resonate with all of them?
A: Because together we make sure it does.
Another thing that makes me different is this: When you invest in yourself and your business by trusting me to teach you how to level up your content marketing to get results, I invest myself in you and your business. We do extensive though fun content creation exercises using out-of-the-box thinking designing content for industries other than yours so that you have a 40,000-foot view and understanding how content marketing truly works. We also do an extensive drill-down and categorizing of as many demographics and psychographics as possible of who makes up your target market. We put all that together and then design your content categories and actual content, it’s EASY!
If each week you are not getting at least a thousand new fans, if you are not getting at least a few hundred-thousand video views, if you are not getting at least half a million engagements on your posts, all this without boosting posts and running ads—and yes, in each 7-day period—you absolutely need to take one of my courses, enlist one of my coaching/mentoring programs and or bring my team and I on as a service provider in part or in total so you too can get extraordinary results. Oh, and all on even just one of your channels.
This is what our average 7-day period looks like on Facebook, compare these with your Facebook Insights:

And this is what it looks like when we create a spike—no boosting, no ads:
Ready to learn epic strategies guaranteed to improve your marketing?
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